What I’m doing now
(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.)
Updated March 13th, 2024, home in Oslo.
Getting into a new job
I stated a new job this week. As an inhouse developer in a pretty big firm. There is lots to get used to and learn about the existing code, and the philosophies the organization folows.
Setting up this website
I have gooten a good base for this website up and running. Want to introduce some more of the old tools I used ot have like:
- light/dark mode
- Presentation mode
- reading time in top of articles
Writing CFP
Writing up CFPs for developer confererances.
see cfp for more
Current talk ideas:
- "That not my name; the art of naming things" - why naming things in software is so hard (it's a game of thelephone from experts trough developers to user interfaces), and how to get better at naming things (some simple rules, and some frameworks for documenting and clearifying your domain)
- "Mental health; a systems approach" - looking at mental health by looking at the ourselves as a set of systems and looking at how to take care of yourselves. Sort of a ownsers manual.
- Sustainable accessibility / Accessible CI/CD - For accessibility to be sustainable there must be easy ways to maintain it and clear processes for both automatic and manual testing.